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Children’s services models

Magellan Healthcare sets the benchmark for advancements in behavioral health and child care models. Our behavioral health thought leadership is nationally recognized and we share it with you through the resources on this page.

Magellan Healthcare is pleased to be a recipient of 2021 and 2022 MarCom Awards in the category of technical writing for our children’s behavioral health monographs on this page!

MarCom is an international creative competition that recognizes the outstanding achievement of marketing and communications professionals.

Appropriate Use of Psychotropic Drugs in Children and Adolescents: Important Issues and Evidence-Based Treatments

Culminating mental health challenges for young people, made worse by the pandemic, have initiated the Surgeon General and leading children’s health organizations in issuing declarations of a youth mental health crisis.1 Our updated monograph provides an in-depth analysis of an integral issue–the increasing rate of psychotropic drug prescribing in the treatment of young people.

Originally published in 2013, our monograph highlights the evidence-based research on the use of psychotherapeutic agents in children and principles for optimal children’s psychopharmacotherapy practice that underpins our model of care for serving children, youth and their families.

2022 revisions

In January and October 2022, Magellan completed an extensive review and updates of the monograph to incorporate the most current research, including on the following, and continue to serve as a resource for primary care physicians, including pediatricians, and behavioral health practitioners in making decisions–as well as families to learn more and be informed–about behavioral health treatment options for children and adolescents. This research and information is also available for advocacy organizations and policymakers in advancing a public policy agenda and best practices to meet the challenges of children, youth and families involved in all child-serving systems.

  • New indications since the last update in 2017
  • Nature and scope of the problem
  • Drug treatment effects on nervous system development
  • Principles for optimal psychopharmacotherapy practice
  • Efficacy of psychotherapeutic agents in treating mood disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, disruptive behavioral disorders/aggression, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, developmental disabilities and eating disorders
  • Controversies in clinical management
  • Children in foster care

Learn more in the full monograph, summary and at-a-glance drug information documents here:

Appropriate use of psychotropic drugs in children and adolescents: Important issues and evidence-based treatments
  • Full clinical monograph on the use of psychopharmacological treatments and principles for optimal psychopharmacotherapy practice in children and adolescents
Monograph summary: Appropriate use of psychotropic drugs in children and adolescents
  • Summary of full clinical monograph
At-a-glance: Psychotropic drug information for children and adolescents
  • Evidence-based review of psychotropic medications, including dosage ranges, warnings, common side effects, teratogenic risks and recommended monitoring, used to treat specific behavioral health disorders in children and adolescents

Understanding and Meeting the Needs of Children and Adolescents at High Risk: Foundations of a Model

Our comprehensive approach to children’s behavioral health is youth-guided and family-driven to achieve the best outcomes and high member satisfaction. Within complex care delivery systems, we effectively integrate and coordinate care, focusing on the individual needs, strengths, preferences and culture of each child and youth.

Originally published in 2015, our monograph highlights the evidence-based research on the prevention and treatment of problematic behaviors and various types of behavioral health challenges in children and adolescents that underpins our model of care for serving children, youth and their families.

2020 revision 

In December 2020, Magellan completed an extensive review and update of the monograph to incorporate the most current children’s behavioral health research, including the following, and continue to serve as a resource for youth, families, policymakers and advocates, community stakeholders, and providers in understanding the issues and barriers involved in the treatment of children and youth:

  • Children with parents who have mental health and/or substance use disorders
  • Childhood trauma and trauma-informed care
  • Youth drug use trends
  • Youth suicide and impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Monitoring clinical, social and adaptive outcomes

Learn more in the full monograph and summary documents here:

Understanding and meeting the needs of children and adolescents at high risk: Foundations of a model
  • Full clinical monograph on the prevention and treatment of problematic behaviors and various types of behavioral health challenges in children and adolescents
Monograph summary: Understanding and meeting the needs of children and adolescents at high risk
  • Summary of full clinical monograph

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