Emotional wellness during COVID-19 and the holidays
https://magellanhealth.zoom.us/rec/play/ZDvsN4FiyDqjMUzD_pY7WTuP_l9iZclZzADKfqEZAgeqxrWjYEL9pW-wsn-AMD-asxIjChFvuJYhGLtZ.W7nUv0xiaURn_MEb?startTime=1607021824000Home for the holidays because of COVID-19? Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, holidays, special events, picnics and celebrations have changed dramatically. These changes can trigger a variety of emotions, from grief to guilt or anger. If you missed the live event, check out the recording with Dr. Caroline Carney, Dr. Candice Tate and...