Previous editions of Magellan’s eMpowered for Wellness newsletter provide an in-depth look into critical mental health, substance use and social issues, along with information and resources to help improve overall health through peer support, whole health and working toward wellness.
Look for Motivation Monday, Wellness Wednesday, Facts Friday and more at
Explore previous issues of eMpowered for Wellness
Feature article: Thought Leaders interview with Dr. Tonicia Freeman-Foster on mental health for Black people and African Americans
Feature article: Organizations supporting families who deal with mental health issues
Feature article: Addressing compassion fatigue in today’s caregiver climate
Feature article: Peer supporters in the workforce: diversity, inclusion, integration
Feature article: Thought Leaders interview with Dr. Karen L. Fortuna on digital peer support
Feature article: Digitally delivered peer support
Feature article: Implications of digital inclusion, an emerging social determinant of health, and COVID-19
Feature article: Social inclusion, connectedness and recovery
Feature article: Impacting social determinants of health: People and communities
Feature article: Magellan Health crisis communications resource page
Feature article: Where we’ve been, where we’re going
Feature article: The role of peer support in crisis intervention
Feature article: Healing power of the arts and creativity
Feature article: Compassion fatigue and burnout
Feature article: Older adults and wellness